Programma Terug

Workshop: Warm Data Lab by Nora Bateson

  • Workshop
  • Talk
  • English
10 november

Doe mee aan de workshop 'Warm Data Lab' door Nora Bateson. We leven in een wereld met grote uitdagingen zoals klimaatverandering, humanitaire crises, ontbossing en het verlies van vele diersoorten. Veel mensen willen helpen deze problemen op te lossen. Er zijn veel manieren om een positieve impact te hebben - door duurzaam ondernemen, bewust kapitalisme, nieuwe economische modellen, de circulaire economie, de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) van de VN en wereldwijde klimaatovereenkomsten. Maar begrijpen we echt hoe complex deze uitdagingen zijn? En in hoeverre maken we zelf deel uit van het probleem? Dit zijn enkele van de vragen die we samen met jou willen onderzoeken!

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    Tuinhuis, Tolhuistuin
    Koop kaarten

Bateson geeft zogeheten 'warm data labs', die ze organiseert in verschillende Europese landen met beleidsmakers, managers en bestuurders. Hierbij draait het niet om wat zij 'koude data' noemt: cijfers en modellen die vaak geïsoleerd worden gemeten. Het draait om 'warme data': de interacties tussen mensen, het leren kijken door elkaars ogen naar complexe problemen, en het waarnemen van sociale dynamiek.

Dit programma is in het engels.

Join us at the workshop 'Warm Data Lab' by Nora Bateson. We live in a world with big challenges like climate change, humanitarian crises, deforestation, and the loss of many species. Many people want to help solve these problems. There are lots of ways to make a positive impact—through sustainable business, conscious capitalism, new economic models, the circular economy, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and global climate agreements. But do we really understand how complex these challenges are? And how much are we, ourselves, part of the problem? These are some of the questions we want to explore with you.

Come join us a the workshop 'Warm Data Lab'

The Warm Data Lab, created by Nora Bateson, is a workshop for groups that want to improve how they understand and talk about complex problems. It helps participants look at issues from different perspectives and work together to find better solutions for tough challenges. Many of the problems we face today are very complicated, so we need new ways to understand them.

Thinking about complex problems means looking at them from many angles at once. This isn't something we usually learn in school or at work, but it's a skill we really need to deal with today's crises and improve our lives.

The Warm Data Lab is like a conversation that constantly changes, where people share knowledge from different areas. The workshop uses two key ideas: "Transcontextual Interaction" (which means looking at how different areas connect) and "Symmathesy" (which is about learning and growing through those connections).

Bio Nora Bateson

Nora Bateson is an award-winning filmmaker, research designer, writer, educator, international lecturer, and President of the International Bateson Institute based in Sweden. She is the creator of the Warm Data theory and practices. Nora’s work brings together the fields of biology, cognition, art, anthropology, psychology, and information technology into a study of the patterns in the ecology of living systems.

She wrote, directed, and produced the award-winning documentary An Ecology of Mind, a portrait of her father Gregory Bateson.
Her first book, Small Arcs of Larger Circles, released by Triarchy Press, UK, in 2016, is a revolutionary personal approach to the study of systems and complexity.

In her latest second book Combining, Nora invites us into an ecology of communication where nothing stands alone, and every action sets off a chain of incalculable consequences. She challenges conventional fixes for our problems, highlighting the need to tackle issues at multiple levels, understand interdependence, and embrace ambiguity. She was the recipient of the Neil Postman Award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity in 2019.